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Halcyon Agri Corporation [5VJ.SI]

Exchange: EURONEXT Sector: Basic Materials Industry: Specialty Chemicals

Halcyon Agri Corporation Price, Forecast, Insider, Ratings, Fundamentals & Signals

Halcyon Agri Corporation is listed at the  Exchange

0.00% SGD0.410

America/New_York / 21 apr 2023 @ 05:04

Halcyon Agri Corporation: Main Fundamentals PE comparison

Halcyon Agri Corporation PE Comparison

Report updated: 2024-06-02 @ 15:19
Comp Ticker PE
Carbios SA ALCRB.PA -48.450
China Sunsine Chemical QES.SI 3.690
Arkema SA AKE.PA 6.480
Fuchs Petrolub SE FPE.DE 16.790
Soc D Explosifs Produits EXPL.PA 18.140
Azelis Group NV AZE.BR 37.290
Orapi SA ORAP.PA 157.500
Groupe Berkem Société ALKEM.PA 569.000


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