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AGNC Investment Corp. [AGNCP]

Exchange: NASDAQ Sector: Real Estate Industry: REIT—Mortgage

AGNC Investment Corp. Price, Forecast, Insider, Ratings, Fundamentals & Signals

Current Signal: BUY (auto-tracking)

AGNC Investment Corp. is listed at the  Exchange

0.04% $23.23

America/New_York / 26 apr 2024 @ 16:00

AGNC Investment Corp.: Main Fundamentals PE comparison

AGNC Investment Corp. PE Comparison

Report updated: 2024-04-27 @ 07:53
Comp Ticker PE
AGNC Investment Corp. AGNCN -12.880
AGNC Investment Corp. AGNCM -11.940
AGNC Investment Corp. AGNCO -11.080
AGNC Investment Corp. AGNCP -10.240
AGNC Investment Corp AGNC -6.190
Seven Hills Realty Trust SEVN 3.310
Tremont Mortgage Trust TRMT 4.883
Chicago Atlantic Real REFI 7.900
Manhattan Bridge Capital LOAN 12.940
New York Mortgage Trust NYMTP 50.540
New York Mortgage Trust NYMT 61.300
New York Mortgage Trust, NYMTZ 349.790
New York Mortgage Trust, NYMTL 361.910
New York Mortgage Trust NYMTN 385.850
New York Mortgage Trust, NYMTM 416.810


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