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Compagnie des Alpes SA [CDA.PA]

Exchange: EURONEXT Industry: Leisure

Compagnie des Alpes SA Price, Forecast, Insider, Ratings, Fundamentals & Signals

Compagnie des Alpes SA is listed at the  Exchange

3.08% €16.04

America/New_York / 31 mai 2024 @ 11:35

Compagnie des Alpes SA: Main Fundamentals PE comparison

Compagnie des Alpes SA PE Comparison

Report updated: 2024-06-02 @ 15:18
Comp Ticker PE
T4F Entretenimento S.A. SHOW3.SA -3.160
Olympique Lyonnais Groupe OLG.PA -2.050
Cybergun SA ALCYB.PA 0.100
Compagnie des Alpes SA CDA.PA 4.010
Cambuci S.A. CAMB3.SA 4.660
Lexibook Linguistic ALLEX.PA 6.380
Piscines Desjoyaux SA ALPDX.PA 6.420
Bicicletas Monark S.A. BMKS3.SA 6.730
Catana Group SA CATG.PA 12.310
Fountaine Pajot SA ALFPC.PA 12.840
Beneteau SA BEN.PA 15.420
Abeo SAS ABEO.PA 16.480
Smartphoto Group NV SMAR.BR 17.290


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