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Fortnox AB (publ) [FNOX.ST]

Exchange: STO Sector: Technology Industry: Software—Application

Fortnox AB (publ) Price, Forecast, Insider, Ratings, Fundamentals & Signals

Fortnox AB (publ) is listed at the  Exchange

-1.43% SEK64.86

America/New_York / 31 mai 2024 @ 11:29

Fortnox AB (publ): Main Fundamentals PE comparison

Fortnox AB (publ) PE Comparison

Report updated: 2024-06-02 @ 04:20
Comp Ticker PE
Cint Group AB (publ) CINT.ST -577.610
Checkin.Com Group AB CHECK.ST -92.130
Seamless Distribution SDS.ST -32.130
IAR Systems Group AB IAR-B.ST -30.570
Greater Than AB GREAT.ST -25.660
Crunchfish AB (publ) CFISH.ST -19.860
Litium AB (publ) LITI.ST -13.900
BuildData Group AB BUILD.ST -7.460
Qlucore Ab (Publ) QCORE.ST -6.390
Smart Eye AB (publ) SEYE.ST -6.000
Modelon AB (publ) MODEL-B.ST -5.560
BIMobject AB BIM.ST -4.780
Nord Insuretech Group AB NORDIG.ST -4.670
Safello Group AB (publ) SFL.ST -4.330
Enersize Oyj ENERS.ST -3.710
Bambuser AB (publ) BUSER.ST -3.120
Loyal Solutions A/S LOYAL.ST -2.650
CodeMill AB (publ) CDMIL.ST -2.640
Kiliaro AB (publ) KILI.ST -1.880
Divio Technologies AB DIVIO-B.ST -1.360
SpectrumOne AB (publ) SPEONE.ST -1.160
AppSpotr AB (publ) APTR.ST -0.790
XMReality AB (publ) XMR.ST -0.630
Zaplox AB ZAPLOX.ST -0.430
eEducation Albert AB ALBERT.ST 0.040
Diadrom Holding AB (publ) DIAH.ST 10.170
DevPort AB (publ) DEVP-B.ST 11.910
Enea AB (publ) ENEA.ST 14.230
Kentima Holding AB (publ) KENH.ST 18.060
Better Collective A/S BETCO.ST 18.880
Sleep Cycle AB (publ) SLEEP.ST 22.110
Generic Sweden AB GENI.ST 24.180
Truecaller AB (publ) TRUE-B.ST 26.090
Micro Systemation AB MSAB-B.ST 31.750
Beijer Electronics Group BELE.ST 33.590
Opter AB (publ) OPTER.ST 42.330
M.O.B.A. Network AB MOBA.ST 50.500
Lime Technologies AB LIME.ST 51.020
Upsales Technology AB UPSALE.ST 60.890
Vitec Software Group AB VIT-B.ST 64.990
Formpipe Software AB FPIP.ST 71.900
Fortnox AB (publ) FNOX.ST 100.510
SignUp Software AB (publ) SIGNUP.ST 1207.140


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