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Exchange: EURONEXT Sector: Consumer Cyclical Industry: Specialty Retail

BEBO Health SA Price, Forecast, Insider, Ratings, Fundamentals & Signals

BEBO Health SA is listed at the  Exchange

0.00% €3.98

America/New_York / 29 des 2023 @ 05:30

BEBO Health SA: Main Fundamentals PE comparison

BEBO Health SA PE Comparison

Report updated: 2024-06-02 @ 18:21
Comp Ticker PE
Hydrogen-Refueling-Solutions ALHRS.PA -370.150
Believe S.A. BLV.PA -35.210
Via S.A. VIIA3.SA -8.060
Mobly S.A. MBLY3.SA -3.950
Saraiva Livreiros S.A. - SLED4.SA 0.070
C&A Modas S.A. CEAB3.SA 3.160
Cafom SA CAFO.PA 4.300
Vibra Energia S.A. BRDT3.SA 6.166
Grupo SBF S.A. SBFG3.SA 7.610
Fnac Darty SA FNAC.PA 8.090
Groupe LDLC SA ALLDL.PA 8.380
Hunyvers SA ALHUN.PA 12.020
Grandvision NV GVNV.AS 20.085
Pet Center Comércio e PETZ3.SA 45.920
Lojas Quero-Quero S.A. LJQQ3.SA 358.000


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