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Paxman AB (publ) [PAX.ST]

Exchange: STO Sector: Healthcare Industry: Medical Devices

Paxman AB (publ) Price, Forecast, Insider, Ratings, Fundamentals & Signals

Paxman AB (publ) is listed at the  Exchange

0.64% SEK47.00

America/New_York / 31 mai 2024 @ 11:24

Paxman AB (publ): Main Fundamentals PE comparison

Paxman AB (publ) PE Comparison

Report updated: 2024-06-02 @ 02:11
Comp Ticker PE
Bactiguard Holding AB BACTI-B.ST -58.020
Paxman AB (publ) PAX.ST -41.100
Sedana Medical AB (publ) SEDANA.ST -35.020
Mentice AB (publ) MNTC.ST -34.760
SpectraCure AB (publ) SPEC.ST -27.540
ScandiDos AB (publ) SDOS.ST -15.990
Iconovo AB (publ) ICO.ST -14.500
Arcoma AB ARCOMA.ST -10.100
Duearity AB (publ) DEAR.ST -9.570
Episurf Medical AB (publ) EPIS-B.ST -8.240
Dignitana AB (publ) DIGN.ST -8.140
Senzime AB (publ) SEZI.ST -8.010
SciBase Holding AB (publ) SCIB.ST -5.170
GPX Medical AB (publ) GPXMED.ST -5.170
OssDsign AB (publ) OSSD.ST -3.550
Pharmacolog i Uppsala AB PHLOG-B.ST -2.650
Luxbright AB (publ) LXB.ST -2.490
Acarix AB (publ) ACARIX.ST -0.900
Qlife Holding AB (publ) QLIFE.ST -0.660
Clinical Laserthermia CLS-B.ST -0.620
S2Medical AB (publ) S2M.ST -0.540
Hemcheck Sweden AB (publ) HEMC.ST -0.390
IRRAS AB (publ) IRRAS.ST -0.260
Boule Diagnostics AB BOUL.ST 16.460
Getinge AB (publ) GETI-B.ST 22.730
Stille AB STIL.ST 22.840
ADDvise Group AB (publ) ADDV-B.ST 25.480
ADDvise Group AB (publ) ADDV-A.ST 25.900
CellaVision AB (publ) CEVI.ST 42.030
Vitrolife AB (publ) VITR.ST 90.780
C-Rad AB (publ) CRAD-B.ST 97.200
BICO Group AB (publ) BICO.ST 158.430
Integrum AB (publ) INTEG-B.ST 181.840
Xvivo Perfusion AB (publ) XVIVO.ST 222.280


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